Monday, June 03, 2013

Sundown marathon 2013

Sundown marathon 2013, did my first full marathon with Winnie. As of this writing, hopefully it will be my last. Such unbearable pain and torture, your mental well-being also has to be strong to complete a marathon. Winnie otherwise proves she's like a bionic woman, showing no signs of pain throughout the run.

The run started well till the 4km mark when toes started to feel pain, loosen shoes. At the 8km mark,  pain on calfs and have to apply deepheat cream. 10km onwards to 20km, unbearable pain on left ankle and then knees and followed by soles and calfs. Never before have I experienced such concurrent pain while running.

Finally passed the 24km mark, decided I can't run anymore thus walk the remaining distance. The swelling at the ankles, toes, soles and fingers really surprised me, the fingers due to lack of salt.

The walk to complete the marathon is indeed a torture with many thoughts of giving up. Yet Bionic woman pushed and pushed till I completed, without her I would have gladly lied down at the benches of East Coast park and just sleep.

The volunteers of the run were awesome as always, the supply of water at the water point however sucks. Few water points ran out of isotonic drinks or even both water and isotonic.

My advise for those who wanna attempt to do marathon, DO NOT AT ALL...unless you have and did proper training. Get those proper mileage, core and conditioning and nutrition.

Wonder how long the aches will last.

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